Kyrgyzstan Branch

Zhyldyz Abdyllaeva

Medical coordinator

Zhyldyz has a Bachelor’s degree in banking, finance and credit. Working in the microfinance sector of the Kyrgyz Republic, she was in the working group, promoted changes to the Law on Microfinance through the Parliament and the National Bank of the country, and also worked to improve the skills of employees of microfinance companies by organizing international trainings from leading training centers.

Last 8 years, Zhyldyz worked in the human rights protection sector, in particular, she was involved in trainings for women on gender equality and horizontal leadership in collaboration with Women Learning Partnership, Sigrid Rausing Trust and National Endowment for Democracy. Also she was a coordinator of the International Film Festival on human rights, where more than 500 participants took part from different countries.

Zhyldyz is very happy to be on the New Life team and believes that she can contribute to the development of the company. She has great respect for surrogate mothers. They provide an unrealistic service, and no one can make up for it.

Languages: Kyrgyz, Russian, English.